About "Nature's Flowers of Life"
Meet Solara
My spiritual journey began in 1988 by attending a Jungian dream interpreting group in NSW Australia where I lived. It was during this time that my dreams showed my soul’s purpose to become a healer using an ancient form of healing, and also that I would be working and communicating with flowers. The outcome of these dreams was not apparent to me until later on in my life’s journey.
My healing education and teachings continued during my association with a Spiritual Centre and meditation group in Leura, in the City of the Blue Mountains, in NSW. Here I was blessed with the presence of several teachers and mentors, who had the ability to channel guidance from Spiritual Masters from the Brotherhoods of Light.
I was introduced to Flower Essences in 1992, and began learning about their healing abilities whilst working in a therapeutic healing centre for abused children in Katoomba. I have continued to learn about and collect essences from a wide variety of flowers, and these collectively have become the “Nature’s Flowers of Life ®” range of essences. Many of these essences were created on Aboriginal Sacred Sites in the Blue Mountains.
I now reside in Newcastle NSW where I practice as a Flower Essence therapist and work intuitively with vibrational energies. I am a channel for voice toning and singing sounds to awaken your inner Soul Song. A soul Song is your Soul’s personal resonance from which you began your existence.
I am intuitively guided to prepare flower essences, and am given their healing properties by way of the Nature Spirits and Elementals. All the essences on this website were intuitively prepared in this way. Voice toning is used during the preparation of flower essences as well as during healing sessions, to uplift and enhance the healing energies. Gem elixirs have been included within the essence preparation of most of these essences to enhance the healing properties.

About Flower Essences
What are Flower Essences?
Flowers are the life-force of a plant and essences made from them could be thought of as being Tinctures of Liquid Consciousness due to the fact that they store within them particular patterns of energy. These patterns differ within the different forms and structures of each plant and/or flower type. These energies stimulate eventual change to particular underlying fears and self-limiting patterns held within the body cells relating to a person’s life experiences.
About Flower Essences
Flower Essences are vibrational medicines which are non-physical in nature and are therefore non-toxic. For this reason they are free from
side effects and are self-adjusting to your individual needs. They are excellent in supporting a client’s well-being alongside most medications
as well as other complimentary health practices such as kinesiology, spiritual healing and massage therapies.
Physical health depends greatly on the energy generated by thoughts and feelings. Flower Essence Remedies offer a gentle and natural form of balancing and transforming these energies. To heal the body we first must heal the deep-seated feelings that cause the disturbances. Our external pains and difficulties are always mirrors of inner pain and fears. These essences stimulate your body’s innate capacity to harmonise and align the emotional and mental bodies in order to allow the body to heal. They offer opportunities to strengthen your personal empowerment.
Our true nature is like a delicate flower that has been hidden from view beneath many layers of life experiences and karma, until we learn how to break through the hard outer bud of our karmic habits and behaviours taken on throughout the generations and lifetimes.
How to take Flower Essences
Flower essences are available in two strengths. A stock is a concentrated solution whereas a dose is diluted from the stock. Most remedies sold on this site are stock concentrates with the exception of some of the combination essences which may be dose strengths. Stocks have a shelf life of approximately 4-5 years whereas doses approximately 4-6 weeks. They are best stored in a cool, dark place.
The recommended method for taking essences is by placing several drops of the essences directly under the tongue and holding it there for a moment. This way they are absorbed quickly and easily into the body. Alternatively the drops can be added to a small amount of water and held in the mouth for a moment before swallowing.
The recommended dosage is usually that they be taken two to three times a day for approximately 2-3 weeks to properly get things moving. The 15ml bottles in which they are sold usually provides the correct amount for a full course for a person’s needs. Essences will generally continue to be active for some time after stopping. They are suitable for adults, children and animals of all ages.
History of Essences
The essence of flowers,plants and crystals are known to have been used in Ancient Egyptian times, as well as in Asia, Europe and South America. They have been known to have been used in the days of Atlantis approximately 150,000 years ago ( Gurudas – ‘Flower Essences & Vibrational Healing’ ).
Approximately 500 years ago a man named Paracelsus developed a concept known as the Doctrine of Signatures of plants and flowers. This concept holds that the appearance of the plant or flower conveys insights that relate to their healing qualities. The Doctrine of Signatures can relate to the shape, colour or texture of a flower, plant, or tree or to the number of petals or stamen for example. This concept is used in most of the flower files found on this site

The Nature of Flowers
The Nature of flowers is more than just beauty
Visually calming and filling the air
with aromatic flavours for
perfumes and beauty
Wonderful flowers are everywhere
Flowers for Love
Flowers for Beauty
Flowers at Funerals for loved ones lost
Flowers for gifts and for all occasions
Vibrations of love, of colour and of healing
All in the blossoms of Natures sweet gifts
By Solara Antara Zwaneveld