The road to your personal power and happiness lies within the various stages of your journey of life’s experiences. Breathe in appreciation for where you have been and what you have gained along the way.
To honour yourself and the life you have lead is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. You are the Divine architect of your world and the outcome of your creations may be likened to beautiful flowers of love, compassion, prosperity, peace and harmony.
All of your experiences that now lay behind you have helped to create who you are in this present time. Looking back on your life will enable you to get a sense of the inner growth, understanding and strength that you have gained. Achievements you have gained have not only been for yourself, but also for humanity as a whole, as each step that you take energetically ripples out impacting on all. So embrace and honour the Magnificence of who you are with love in your heart for the whole of YOU. You are a very special being.
As you continue your journey all that is not of the Light (love) is being stripped, purged and cleansed, to be replaced with new energies as our planet is being cleansed. Looking look back with regrets or guilt will only hold you back. It is time to forgive yourself and all involved in the life that lies behind you, and just Love and Honour who you are. Be calm, quiet and still and be gentle with yourself. As you continue on your journey trust your guidance and inner knowing because this will help lead you to the joy you seek. Together we create the changes we wish to see in the world.
The Ascension Rose flower essence supports your journey in gaining more understanding and acceptance of your own magnificence, allowing you to be joyful and at peace within yourself.
Foxglove flower essence offers an energy of commitment to self; a pledging of love and honour to oneself, as well as celebrating the joy and beauty of self. It assists with discarding fears that create self-doubt or criticism.
Grevillea flower essence will assist you in finding the courage to show the world more fully your soft inner beauty and magnificence and to become more aligned with the oneness of creation.
Cymbidium Orchid flower essence assists with awakening to memories of who you really are beyond this physical body– a Divine Being having a human experience.