Life Wasn’t Meant to be a Struggle

Life wasn't meant to be a struggle - Flower Essences & Remedies - Flowers for Healing

Life’s journeys often present challenges along the way that may block us from moving forward. Challenges can be emotional, mental, physical or spiritual in nature. The “secret” to managing these situations with grace and ease is not to take yourself into blaming, anger or regret – neither towards the self nor to others who may have pressed your buttons.  Flower Essences offer a means of working through and easing those challenging situations.

Life wasn’t meant to be a struggle, but rather to be joyful. This is a theme that I’ve been reminded of regularly lately. Within these miraculous bodies, we reside upon our beloved planet Earth, with much beauty and miracles surrounding us in each and every moment if only we have the consciousness to see and experience them.

Your response to challenges often has more impact than the situations themselves and your emotions can hold you back even further. The best way to work your way through these challenges is to stop and look within, asking yourself what there is to learn from it. This allows you to gain more clarity around why these challenges have come your way and they then become easier to resolve and move through.

I can assist in choosing your own Personal Combination selections by tuning into your Higher Self – or you can choose your own essence selections.

Below I have listed a few examples of flower essences selected from Nature’s Flowers of LifeTM range which may be helpful during a variety of challenging situations. There are as many varied situations as there are varied kinds of people. We have a large range of essences which can offer support and assistance with these situations.

Black-Eyed Susan which is an Australian Native Flower for Slowing down; Calming scattered energies; Patience and tolerance.

It has a calming and balancing effect being perfect to help slow a person down so they become more centered and in tune with their intuitive self. In this more calm and centered state, their lives will begin to flow more smoothly and effectively as they begin to take each step consciously.

The Blue Water Lily essence calms the mind and the emotions, especially where there is turmoil or disruptive energies around. It is also for awakening to the sacredness within the self and in all life forms. It offers strength, clarity and calms when around tumultuous emotions. The Doctrine of Signatures of this flower is related to how it stands strong and tall with its leaves floating on the water. Water is related to the emotions and these lilies are found mostly in ponds of tranquil waters. This tranquillity is transferred to the essence.

Cyclamen essence helps create calm clear-headedness and joyful upliftment and the freedom to change. It is also for feminine energies and clearing endometriosis symptoms

Grief Support is a blend of several flower essences which are supportive and nurturing. It engenders courage and strength to cope in times of crisis. It is for grieving whilst going through major life changes and assists with stepping aside from turmoil and challenges enabling the possibility to see situations with more clarity. It can be useful for healing past “bruising” and allowing people to get closer by letting down protective barriers. It is helpful in allowing you to acknowledge your own uniqueness.

Transition Essence is a mix of several essences for people who are going through major life transitions of all kinds. It assists in allowing clarity to prevail and easing feelings of confusion or turmoil within. It assists with opening communication channels for inner attunement with your Divine inner self, Spirit guides and teachers. In this regard, it assists with discernment of truth, and acceptance of circumstances. Transition Essence helps to access your inner wisdom in confronting and resolving past challenges.

Lavender is for offering calm and peace, cushioning those times when you may be feeling battered and blown about by life’s tumultuous happenings. The emotions and moods of humanity can range from rage to calm. This could be equated with the ocean varying in its intensity from deep calm to ferocious waves and wind, battering a boat against the jetty to then once again quietly lapping against the jetty’s side. Sometimes when such moods as these are held totally within they can cause destruction, disharmony, imbalance and problems with your health and well-being.