
Our Privacy Policy

Dear Friends, This Privacy Policy is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which has been introduced by the European Privacy Laws to protect online data. This regulation requires organisations to be clear on how they use personal data. This privacy policy was last updated on 3rd August, 2024.

Partial Financial Data

Partial financial data is usually received via Pay Pal or Stripe Credit Cards when you place an order. This information is not kept by us once an order has been completed. We never see your full Account details. We only store the details required to identify the transactions with PayPal or Credit Card, or should we ever need to issue refunds.

Personal Data

Personal data are provided by you to help us determine which flower essences are most suitable for your personal needs when ordering a personal combination blend. We will only keep your personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which we collected it.. Each time you place an order for flower essences or products Flowers For Healing receives your name, email address and phone number. No matter where you live in the world your personal details will, at all times be kept confidential and will never be used by us for any other purpose. Nor will they be shared with a third party for any purpose whatsoever.


Cookies are a tool that we (and everyone one else who operates online) uses for advertising. That is just part of why cookies are used, generally, they are pretty clever. Cookies help us work better and provide lots of help in the background to make the process of being a customer a lot easier. You’d miss a lot of these things if they were gone – like it being easy to log in and move from page to page, and things staying in your cart while you go off and look at other pages.

Thank you for being part of our community

Solara Antara Zwaneveld