Calming Rescue Remedy
Healing Properties for you and your pets
* Shock
* Emergency
* Panic
* Migraines
Calming Rescue Remedy is a unique blend of essences for calming emergency situations or where panic and/or pain are experienced. It is excellent for gently diluting shock symptoms during traumatic life situations or major accidents.
This blend of flower essences lowers anxiety allowing for calmer, clear-headed thinking to prevail.
It can be useful in slowing down an active mind when sleep alludes you.
This blend of essences has the ability to dilute shock symptoms associated with surgical operations – even those stored within the body from the past.
Calming Rescue Remedy is excellent for assisting with easing headache and migraine symptoms.
For Migraines – Best results occur when taken at the onset of a migraine. Initially can be taken at 10-15 minute intervals, then extending to 20-30 minute intervals. Then slowly increasing the time intervals as the migraine begins to ease.
Once symptoms have eased it is recommended that a maintenance dosage be continued approximately 2-3 times a day for the next day or two.
Its wonderful to have on hand to calm toddlers, young children or even the elderly, to relieve major upset, fall traumas or accidents.
Use it in your garden to relieve shock symptoms your plant’s may suffer after major pruning or when moving them to a new situation in your garden.
For Animals: Animals easily absorb energies so respond greatly to situations of trauma, shock, stress or emergency medical situations. These situations can result in fear, panic or other adrenalised states, hindering an animal’s ability to receive the full benefits of healing support. Thunderstorms frighten many animals and Calming Essence given at the first rumble can assist greatly with calming them.
In situations where there appears to be a crisis Calming Essence can be given as frequently as 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes until the crisis is over and symptoms taper off. After this and for general situations, it is suggested they be used once or twice a day for as long as it is deemed necessary.
Calming Rescue Remedy is useful to have on hand at all times
Amethyst– Bloodstone – Moonstone – Rose Quartz Egg
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