Boronia Flower Essence

(Boronia ledifolia)


The Boronia Flower Essence was prepared with a Clear Quartz crystal

This is an Australian Native Flower

Healing Properties
* Calming repetitive thoughts
* Ending relationships amiably
* Healing Herpes lesions

(The Boronia flower speaks) Behold the beauty that I offer to the world, for I offer calm where there is inner turmoil in the mind that has difficulty in being set free

Boronia Flower Essence offers solace by calming the mind of persistent thoughts that continue to plague the mind.  It is for when the mind cannot seem to be stilled regarding a situation that is difficult to resolve or there is a challenging issue to deal with.

The Boronia plant is an Australian native heath plant, several different varieties of which can be found around Australia. The flowers are bright pink and are usually formed singly from the leaf axils with 4 spreading petals. The bright green leaves are strongly aromatic when crushed. When the flower is finished the petals close up to resemble a bud and the fruit ripens inside this. The name Boronia is derived from the Latin words folium meaning a leaf; and ledum referring to the appearance of the foliage.

Sleepless nights are often experienced as the thoughts go round and round repeatedly. Boronia flower essence calms the mind thus allowing you to gain more clarity to resolve those troubling situations. When there is calmness and clarity of mind there is also greater possibility for choosing to appreciate those experiences as having been ones to have learned from; rather than being negative thoughts to hold on to.

Boronia flower essence is especially useful in situations where a relationship is about to end or has ended. It allows you to feel more at peace with the situation and therefore achieve a willingness to allow a more amiable ending to the relationship.

This flower essence may be useful for people who have become obsessive or compulsive about particular things or activities in their lives. The Boronia flower essence allows the mind to calm and retract from the obsessions so that those affected activities don’t appear to be quite so threatening, therefore easing the situation.

The Boronia flower essence has been known to heal the lesions of the herpes virus on the genitalia as well as cold sores, by applying Boronia essence directly to them or by diluting it in a small amount of water. The herpes virus has a tendency to return when certain circumstances arise, such as low immune system levels; physical or emotional lows or excessive stress.

To assist with the healing of herpes related symptoms it is recommended to use the Boronia flower essence externally with regularity whilst at the same time taking it orally.

I release all obsessive thoughts and practices
My thoughts are calm and peaceful now

Clear Quartz is an emotional balancer * Stimulates brain functions and amplifies thought forms * Receives, activates, stores, transmits and amplifies energy * Enhances inter-dimensional communication and communication with Higher Self and Spirit Guides.

(Information inspired by “Australian Bush Flower Essences” by Ian White)

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