Little Flannel Flower Flower Essence

(Actinotus minor)


Little Flannel Flower is an Australian Native Flower

Little Flannel Flower Flower Essence was prepared with Gold

Healing Properties
* Addressing the child within
* Playfulness, carefree

(The Flower speaks) “I represent the inner child reaching out to you. Laugh with me, run with me and joyfully play with me

The Little Flannel Flower flower essence lightens the spirit within, offering remembrance of joyful playfulness of the inner child. As we are growing up life tends to become more and more serious. Even our children of today have restrictions, rules and pressures put on them to perform in certain ways; to keep up or do better than others.

The Little Flannel Flower is usually known as the Lesser Flannel Flower being a miniature version of the larger Flannel Flower. It is a spreading perennial shrub, with fine, wiry stems reaching up to approximately 40-50 cm in length. The flowers are white with the outer part being male and the inner part being bisexual.

As an adult life can be about performing in the workplace, in the home and when socialising. This is due mainly to society’s expectations and often unspoken do’s and don’ts.

Our world news shows serious occurrences that we are constantly being bombarded with on our T.V.’s and in many of our movies. Our children are exposed to much of this as well.

Within each of us lies a Divine spark of playfulness just waiting to be ignited allowing us to once again express and feel carefree laughter and joy. The Little Flannel Flower Essence is a gift to awaken this spark within, as well as re-connecting with our intuition and inner guidance.

It is well-known that laughter is a powerful medicine, so tapping into the joy of life on a regular basis will no doubt release much pent-up stress and therefore aid in the healing of some of those stress related physical problems such as muscular tension, headaches and insomnia. Long-term continued stresses can lead to much more serious illnesses as well.

I am joyful and carefree, allowing my inner child to guide me

Gold – Symbolic of purity of spirituality & the development of complete understanding & communion with the source of all being * Connection with one’s inner beauty * Improvement of character via learning * Eases trauma associated with learning * Assists one to activate, mobilise & actualise the intrinsic potential of self * Balances energy fields & assists in elimination of ego conflicts & feelings of futility * Eases overburden of responsibility & combats feelings of depression & inferiority * Activates third-eye & crown chakras

(Information inspired from “Australian Bush flower Essences” by Ian White)

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