(ORCHIDEAE Dendrobium Speciosum)
Rock Lily Orchid is an Australian Native Flower
The Rock Lily Orchid Flower Essence was prepared with a Malachite crystal
Healing Properties
* Clearing, balancing & aligning the physical energy centres
* Integrating your 5th dimensional Soul Spirit chakras
(The Orchid speaks) “Get Ready – Get Ready! Get ready to take hold and flow with the new energies of today’s world. So potent are these energies that they are almost tangible”
Rock Lily Orchid Flower Essence is for assisting with the assimilation of the new incoming energies. It assists with altering the state of the chakras within the body, as well as those above the body – those connected more closely with Divinity. Our chakras are being transformed as our bodies are becoming more crystalline in nature, enabling receiving and integrating the faster, more expanded energies that are being projected to us.
Whilst altering the state of the chakras within the body, Rock Lily Orchid Flower Essence also assists with the integration of the Upper 5 chakras above the Crown, into the physical body itself. Once our present physical chakras are cleared, balanced, and fully aligned, these upper chakras will begin to integrate and settle within the body.
The Doctrine of Signatures of the the Rock Lily Orchid Flower shows the form of a hand with five finger-like petals bent towards one another as if ready to take hold of something. Long flowing stems support many small cream flowers creating a beautiful bushy mass. Their white spotted centers are shaped as if ready to scoop up what the ‘fingers’ may take hold of. The individual flowers are pale yellow whilst in bud and also when finishing their life span, adding more colour to the mass. The mass of tiny flowers remind me of droplets of starlight, and the whole bushy stem seems to reflect the ONEness of the multitudes, of humanity and All That Is.
Whilst tuning into the flower I was shown a golden lightening beam connecting with the flowers. As the Rock Lily Orchid Flower Essence is being ingested, a similar beam of light energy may be seen flowing down through your upper chakras, down into all of the physical chakras, and then merging into the cellular structure of your physical biology.
The Rock Lily Orchid Flower Essence has an Angelic vibration. It is a powerful essence in its properties, yet it is assured that the changes will be self-adjusting according to your personal resonance and needs. You are supported and held by Angels through these changes as you become more attuned with your own Divinity.
All people and life on Earth are going through major physiological changes in these times and Gaia’s chakra system will be changing similarly to your own. As you set your intent on your personal clearing and balancing, alignment and integration, you will also be assisting Gaia and other Earth inhabitants around you. Your energies will touch many so that they too may begin choosing to open their inner awareness to the incoming energies and their willingness to change.
There is still much to do to change our world to one of peace, equality, love and respect for one another and for Gaia. We are being assisted by our Angelic friends and are assured that everything is moving along in perfect Divine Order.
I now balance & align my energy centers whilst integrating my 5th dimensional Soul Spirit chakras
Malachite: A “stone of transformation” assisting one to change situations, and for the transfer of sacred information leading to spiritual evolution * Assists in clearing and activating all chakras, but especially stimulating the heart and throat chakras * Clarifying emotions and for recognition and release of negative unconscious experiences * Enhances intuition & insight
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