Calendula Flower Essence

(Calendula officinalis)


Calendula Flower Essence

Healing Properties
* Releasing irritations and wounds
* Healing relationships
* Clarity in decision-making

Calendula Flower Essence has the ability to draw out inner irritations such as as itching, eczema, dermatitis or other similar symptoms on the body surface.  These irritations may be karmic or of this lifetime.

The Calendula Flower Essence is also for those who carry karmic wounds that may have manifested again in some form in this lifetime.  This flower essence has a soothing effect and the ability to heal past wounds carried within the etheric body, where all memories are stored. You may have lost a limb or have been fatally wounded in a past life and Calendula flower essence will help soothe and heal these wounds, the vibrations of which are also held within body tissues.

Calendula flower essence has the ability to allow healing and forgiveness to take place within relationships which may have been connected karmically.

Whilst taking this flower essence you may find memories of past experiences or visualisations arising in the dream state or in meditations. These memories should be observed and then released with love and thanks for the learning experience. Some experiences may be observed that are still present in your life and these will need to be dealt with before you can move on.

Calendula flower essence is also for allowing the wisdom of the inner self to rise to the surface so that clarity prevails in situations where major decisions need to be made; the “winds of change” arising from within.

I release all irritations and wounds from the past with love, and gratitude
I forgive and release karmic connections between myself and …….
My inner wisdom guides me

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