Dagger Hakea Flower Essence

(PROTEACEAE Hakea teretifolia)


Dagger Hakea is an Australian Native Flower

The Dagger Hakea Flower Essence was prepared with a Turquoise crystal

Healing Properties
* Letting go of anger & resentments
* Freedom of Expression
* Forgiveness

(The Dagger Hakea speaks) Allow me to love without needing to prove myself; without needing to protect myself from pain. Allow me to rejoice and to be who I want to be. I wish to flow with the breeze in my own way. Let me be ME.  

Dagger Hakea Flower Essence is for people who feel vulnerable. To protect their vulnerability they tend to react in a prickly, snappy manner in an attempt to hide the resentments and anger that keeps bubbling towards the surface. These people may feel that they’ve been hard done by, often for a long time, and they are finding it difficult to continue in the same manner.

Sometimes in life we may feel trapped and unable to express or act on our own choices and desires in life. It is as if we are held in bondage due to our feelings of responsibility towards loved ones, peers or employers. These underlying feelings of discontent may begin to grow deep within us and gradually start to bubble up towards the surface of our emotions. We may feel that if we don’t soon find a solution then our inner volcano is likely to erupt.

Dagger Hakea grows in bushland areas often on rocky terrain and exposed cliff tops. The creamy-white flowers are shaped in a wispy finger-like fashion and have a beautiful perfume. The shrubs are usually rather straggly and unkempt in shape and are interlaced with sharp barbs that are protective in nature. These barbs are a give-away for the Doctrine of Signatures of this plant being prickly, sharp prongs protecting the beautiful flowers that lie between them. This reflects a protectiveness of the vulnerable inner beauty which lies within a person.

Th Dagger Hakea flower essence will assist in allowing some of those protective barriers to be set aside enough to enable expression of some of the feelings without the need to stay hidden behind the protectiveness of the barbs. It is an essence that allows forgiveness to take place so that the healing of relationships can begin, after which choices can be made as to whether relationships should continue or whether the relevant parties should go their separate ways.

Forgiveness has an important role to play in bringing inner peace and equilibrium within ourselves and in our relationships with others. It is also important globally. If all peoples regardless of their religion and race began to forgive themselves and each other for all that has passed between them across the ages, we could then begin to create world peace and acceptance of one another. We are all related to our history no matter where we live. Forgiveness of self has a major role to play in the allowing letting go of guilt as well as resentments and anger, for our part in all situations we have ever experienced.

The power of forgiveness goes far beyond what we are able to realise, allowing healing to occur on many levels. It not only releases bonds from the past, but opens the heart for more compassion and love; love being the most healing energy in existence.

You will be provided with a Forgiveness Process together with this essence. It is very beneficial for people wanting to work through and resolve resentment, bitterness, guilt and anger; some of which may be held within your unconscious and can have an impact on how you perceive certain situations in life.

This process is designed to assist with present-day situations as well as “cleaning the slate” across many lifetimes. Even greater results can be achieved if the Dagger Hakea flower essence is taken a day or two before beginning the Forgiveness process, and then continued until the full course of the remedy is completed.

I am forgiven; I forgive
I am free to be ME and I flow with the breeze

Turquoise – Strengthens & aligns all chakras, meridians & subtle bodies * For protection * Stimulates intuitive communication with emotional issues & creativity – with love * For spiritual attunement & healing * Cleansing of the energy centres & the physical body * For grounding during meditation * Protection on spiritual & astral planes * A healer of the spirit, providing soothing energy to bring peace of mind For balancing masculine/feminine within

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