(Doryanthes excelsa)
Gymea Lily is an Australian Native Flower
The Gymea Lily Flower Essence was prepared with a Clear Quartz crystal
Healing Properties
* Reaching your goals and aspirations
* Trusting your own uniqueness
(The Gymea Lily speaks) “I speak the truth of who I am. Nothing remains hidden as I reach for the heavens yet I understand that the real truth and honour of “I” lies not in the heavens but deep within my inner self”
Also known as Flame lily or Spear Lily, the Gymea Lily’s botanical name Doryanthes means “spear-flower” and excelsa means “exceptionally high”, both referring to the tall flower stem.
The Gymea Lily Flower Essence is for those who have far reaching goals and aspirations. The energy of the powerful large stem and flower within this essence assists them with their commitment to follow through. Rather than taking one step at a time these people often attempt to create faster or to reach higher than they are able to. This flower essence will assist them in taking their energy back to within themselves, thus allowing them to temper their journey more gently.
People who would benefit from the Gymea Flower Essence may often be swayed from their goals and aspirations by others trying to discourage them or trying to tell them how they should or should not do things. The Gymea Lily flower essence is for commitment to stay true to yourself and not be swayed by other people. It assists in reminding you of your own capabilities and of not comparing yourself to others; for you are unique unto yourself as is each person. In allowing yourself to stand tall in your own right you may find that you do not need to follow what society expects of you but rather be directed by uniquely inspired creations that may come to light. This is a reflection of your own uniqueness.
Gymea Lily Flower Essence helps you to stay centered, believe in and commit to your own uniqueness.
The Doctrine of Signatures of this lily lies partly in the single tall, strong stem with the flower head aiming high; this being a reflection of you standing in strength towards your aims to achieve and fulfill your goals and aspirations. The many long leaves reflect the many choices in direction available to you and support you in your commitment to your goals. Red is the colour of vitality and strength. The head of trumpet-shaped red flowers attracts many nectar feeding birds and I see this aspect as being a reflection of your announcement and sharing of your creations once they’ve reached fruition.
A tussock of bright green leaves grows up to 2.5 meters long and 10cm wide. These leaves are sword-shaped and leathery; the center from which a single flower spike grows. This spike can grow up to 5 meters high, on top of which a giant cluster of flowers forms, sometimes growing approximately 70cm in diameter. The bright red individual flowers within the cluster are trumpet-shaped and can grow to approximately 16cm long.
Aboriginal people used to roast the roots to make into a kind of cake and the flower spikes when very young were roasted and eaten. The leaves contain fibres which have been known to be used for brush making and matting (Maiden 1889).
I believe in and stay committed to my own uniqueness in creating
I hold my focus on my goals and aspirations
Clear Quartz – is an emotional balancer * Stimulates brain functions & amplifies thought forms. Receives, activates, stores, transmits & amplifies energy * Enhances inter-dimensional communication & communication with Higher Self & Spirit Guides.
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