(LILIACEAE Aloe speciosa)
The Aloe Vera Flower Essence was prepared with a Clear Quartz crystal
Healing Properties
* Healing wounds and skin conditions
* Healing imbalances from the past on a cellular level
* Balancing stomach conditions
* Relieving leaky bowel symptoms
The Aloe Vera Flower Essence has the ability to heal on both etheric and physical levels. It has the ability to heal imbalances from the past which are stored in our auric fields, as well as working on a deep cellular level to balance the cells within the physical body.
Memories of all past experiences (including those from past lives) are stored within the auric bodies as well as within the cells of the body. The Aloe Vera flower essence assists in the release of vibrations holding those memories within the cells and bodies, allowing a balancing and raising of vibrations to a higher frequency to occur.
The Doctrine of Signatures is symbolised by the jagged edges on the leaves of the Aloe Vera, expressing its ability to “saw” through to the layers of truth that lie within the very core of your soul – to the truth of who you really are and why you are on the Earth plane.
This flower essence is excellent for treating conditions where there is a general breakdown or degeneration of tissues, such as with tumours, leukemia and cancer. (**)
Aloe Vera flower essence has the ability to alleviate holes or lacerations in the physical and etheric bodies. Therefore it is useful in cases of obsession caused by holes in the aura. Such cases are often associated with past life traumas. (**)
The Aloe Vera flower essence is effective for many skin conditions. It stimulates the nervous system and helps increase circulation, especially when the essence is rubbed into the skin. It can be added to essential oils or to massage oils and rubbed onto the body. If rubbed onto the feet it improves the effects of reflexology.
Aloe Vera flower essence can help maintain an appropriate temperature within the stomach as well as relieving stomach imbalances such as excessive acid and indigestion. It also has the ability to relieve leaky bowel symptoms.
I release memories of past experiences which no longer serve me
My stomach and digestive system are in perfect balance
Clear Quartz is an emotional balancer * Stimulates brain functions and amplifies thought forms * Receives, activates, stores, transmits and amplifies energy * Enhances inter-dimensional communication and communication with Higher Self and Spirit Guides.
(**)”Flower Essences & Vibrational Healing” by Gurudas
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