Bush Iris Flower Essence

(IRIDACEAE Patersonia occidentalis)


Bush Iris is an Australian Native Flower

The Bush Iris Flower Essence was prepared with a Royal blue Tourmaline crystal

Healing Properties
* Sluggish Lymphatic System
* Spiritual insights
* Understanding beyond the material/physical
* Meditation

(The Bush Iris speaks) Trust in me as I show you the way to your inner Divinity and truth. Allow your consciousness to expand beyond the physical vessel in which you reside.

Bush Iris Flower Essence is known to help with the immune system by releasing toxins in the lymphatic system.  It helps digest fats thus assisting clogged or sluggish lymphatic systems.  It can also assist with oedema.

Bush Iris Flower essence will help you accept your inner voice as being of more value to you than the outer world may be expecting of you.

People who are seeking spiritual development or wishing to know their purpose for being in physical form this lifetime would benefit from Bush Iris flower essence. It is beneficial to take it before meditation or other spiritual/religious practices as it assists with opening communication channels for inner attunement with your Divine inner self, as well as your Spirit guides and teachers. It enhances self-awareness and visualisation.

It is often difficult to stay focussed and trusting of your inner guidance as at times there may be  distractions that may seem more logical or acceptable to those around you.  These can draw you away from trusting yourself.

Bush Iris flower essence offers assistance to people who are preparing to pass over, calming their fears and assisting many to accept and connect with their spiritual families or loved ones who await their arrival on the other side.

This flower essence has been included in the Transition Essence blend which has the ability to assist those who are struggling against the tide of their pending passing over. This combination helps to dispel fear and bring a calm acceptance. https://www.flowersforhealing.com/product/transition-essence/

The Bush Iris plant is commonly known as the Long Purple Flag. The three-petalled flowers are mostly blue-violet in colour and flowering occurs in Spring and Summer. Each flower lasts for less than a day but mature plants will produce a procession of flowers for many months. The flowers consist of 3 broad petal-like sepals, enclosed by 2 large brown bracts on long stalks.

This flower essence was made in Blackheath, Blue Mountains National Park, NSW in a thick mist on a mountaintop. Flower essences are normally made in the sunlight but this was a different experience altogether. This was a test of trust for me. Whilst meditating with the flower I was shown gossamer threads reaching down from the ethers into the essence with droplets of liquid running down them. The experience for me ties in with the healing properties of the flower essence and I felt the mist added a true element of God/Source.

I am awakening to my spirituality and inner guidance
I accept death calmly and fearlessly
I am safe and protected at all times

Blue Tourmaline – Activates the 3rd eye and throat chakras * Strengthens communication and psychic awareness * Assists in relating to others in a loving manner and to live in harmony with the environment * Activates progression towards Service and recognising rewards of serving humanity through expansion of knowledge and the power of love * The deeper shade of blue facilitates access to higher levels of intuition * Assists with disorders of lungs, throat, larynx, oesophagus, thymus and thyroid.

(Information inspired by “Australian Bush flower Essences” by Ian White)

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