Fibromyalgia Flower Essence
Healing Properties
* Fibromyalgia symptoms
* Confronting & releasing deep-seated emotional issues
* Chronic Fatigue symptoms
Fibromyalgia Flower Essence is a blend of flower essences that chosen to offer support to your neurological system and will help to start setting the body’s hormonal system back into alignment.These essences are: Fringed Violet, Gardenia, Chilli, Lotus Flower and Magnolia.
Physical health depends greatly on the energy generated by our thoughts and feelings, and to heal the body we first must heal the deep-seated feelings that cause the disturbances. Our external pains and difficulties are always mirrors of inner pain and fears. Flower Essence Remedies offer a gentle and natural way of balancing and transforming these energies.
I was inspired to create this selection of flower essences to get you started on your journey back to health. As no one person’s history is the same as another’s, each will follow their own path back to health in their own way. The healing process these essences offer is to take you on a journey, reaching to the core of your vulnerability, emotions and fears so they can be brought to the surface and released.
Fibromyalgia (FM or FMS) is characterised by chronic widespread pain within the body that is possibly a physical response to stress. It has been determined that there are physiological differences in how people with these symptoms process pain within their brain as compared with those of other people. It is thought that Fibromyalgia may begin in the deep tissues of the muscles and joints with persistent tightening of muscles which often leads to poor sleep. When there is a lack of sleep the muscles don’t recover which then can lead to continuous back and forth signalling between the muscles and the central nervous system. (www.womentowomen.com/fatigueandstress/fibromyalgia.aspx).
Your emotional history plays a major role in your health so it is important for you to get to the core of your vulnerability, exploring your emotions and fears. Our societies are constantly being fed fear-based information particularly through the media. There are fears such as cancer and other chronic dis-eases; fear of being robbed or mugged etc. There are also expectations that can create fear of failure or of not being good enough; fear of not being liked, accepted or loved. And the list goes on.
Throughout your life you absorb many fears which become embedded within your belief system and cellular body. Beliefs are created from thoughts that you think a lot and may no longer be relevant in your life. They mainly originate from your present life experiences, but they may also be passed down through your ancestors and from past life experiences. It is beneficial for everyone to be open to new ideas, dreams, possibilities and insights, and to let go of the old complexes, neuroses and shadows.
Hormone imbalances may also play a part in these symptoms and the Hypothalamus is the Master Gland that controls our hormones. The Pituitary Gland also plays an important part in governing our hormonal system, and an imbalance in one of these areas could easily affect the others.
Some of the healing properties supported within this blend are (i) Aura repair; (ii) Sorting through webs of relationship ties and patterns; (iii) Unlocking and releasing stored cellular memories from past experiences; (iv) Chakra alignment; and (v) Opening of the heart to lift your vibrational resonance.
As this process can be deep-reaching initially you may begin to feel overwhelmed, in which case it would be advisable to take these essences on alternate days during the first week. Flower essences are self-adjusting to what you are ready to deal with, although at times it may be advisable for you to seek support from others when needed.
After taking the first course of the Fibromyalgia Flower Essence, it may be supportive and beneficial to follow-up with another blend of essences and/or possibly choose another way of releasing the energies. Such activities as Yoga, Tai Chi and Chi Gong or Acupuncture may be useful to help the body relax and release tension. Some form of detoxing could also be good.
This information may also be relevant for working through Chronic Fatigue, the symptoms of which are often similar in nature to Fibromyalgia.
The older healer to the soul:
It’s not your back that hurts, but the burden
It’s not your eyes that hurt, but injustice
It’s not your head that hurts, it’s your thoughts
Not the throat that hurts, but what you don’t express or say with anger
Not the stomach that hurts, but what the soul does not digest
It’s not the liver that hurts, it’s the anger
It’s not your heart that hurts, but love
And it is love itself that contains the most powerful medicine (Unknown Author)
NOTE: See your doctor or health professional for further support where needed. These essences safely remain supportive alongside other medications.
I release all energies held within at cellular level that no longer serve my Highest Good
I am fully balanced and aligned in health and energies
I am filled with love for myself and all of Creation
(Jan) I feel that this essence is definitely shifting energy within, so a process has been started. I am finding the essence is bringing forward some very confronting emotional issues. I understand that a lot of the depression I am experiencing is associated with past trauma and I am hopeful that I will be able to move through them and be able to move forward in my life as a result. I am mindful of being kind to myself during this process, a process that would be an understatement, is quite unpleasant. I believe this essence has the potential to cause quite an emotional upheaval in people.
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